Friday, November 10, 2006

Vista Corner: Vintage PCs Under Vista, The Sounds Of Vista AND The First Ultra Detailed Review Of All The Flavors Of Vista

A few months ago I kind of made some points with my mentor but I may have made Microsoft unhappy in the process. If you go back to my NFB Presentation post from July you will see where I said that the RAM of a given system would work best under 2 GB. Robert Sinclair didn't really agree and if you listen to the audio of that faithful day you will hear that he came down and stood next to me for a bit of a "point-counterpoint" mini debate. Well some initial tests of older hardware NOT RUNNING AT have been rolling in as more and more can talk Vista because their Non Disclosure Agreements end with RTM. Most of them state that RAM is the key to avoid taxing the hard drive. 1 GB is the very least you want on board before you upgrade to Vista and for those of us who use Assistive Technology I stand firm still on my 2 GB stance from July. Check out this Ars Technica article to learn more about what did and didn't run in RC2. Oh and remember that this is still beta code in the review.

BC has posted in the comments section a few times about 3d audio and other neat aspects of Vista sound management. A few months ago, I believe in a tech update, I posted an article on just how much sound management has changed in Vista. But for now let's skip all that techy stuff for a moment and let's get down to the nitty gritty. Are you going to change your default sound schemes in Vista? To aid you in the decision I post the article where I got the link to hear XP vs. Vista sounds. The first link is the article while the second link is the direct file in Quick Time format.

Hear the sounds of XP and Vista side by side below..

And if this wasn't enough Vista news for today I link to the awesomeness of the Windows Super Site. Paul has a very long and very detailed review of Vista RTM. In it you see the product breakdowns and, for me, the extras that come with the Ultimate Edition of Windows Vista. At least I don't have to worry about Plus for Windows Vista this go around. Again this one is long so grab a sandwitch... a foot long from Subway will do nicely.

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