Thursday, March 26, 2009

Humorous Mac Related Links For A Thursday

Warning! The links below are NSFW, Not Safe For Work, based on vulgar language. They are funny but if you don’t want to hear foul language then skip this post all together.

Fake Melinda Gates: Recently Mrs. Gates told a magazine about how Bill likes to keep things all in the family with Microsoft products in their home. The team at “Funny or Die” has a field day with this, as you can see from the link below, with a fake Melinda telling the world what it is like to be living without walls.

Apple Editing: This Mac ad parody takes a few seconds to sink in but it does detail the Mac experience from an experienced user’s perspective.

Macbook Wheel: This one is an oldie but a goodie. And some people actually reported it as real news. The Onion brings us the new Macbook Wheel.

1 comment:

Alena said...

As a mac user, those were great. As frustrating as Mac's can be though, you have to give them credit for creating a system that any blind person can use right out of the box.